Thursday, February 26, 2009

In the Garden

I've been itching to garden. Its that time of year when the perennial books usually come out and I plan the project for the spring. We will be moving soon and leaving my plantings behind.
The move will be bittersweet when it all occurs. This is our first home and we have dug in and put so much heart into it. Just getting it to where we love it. At the same time I look forward to the move for the opportunity for my husband to finally follow his call, and its close the the only home town I've ever known.
This last summer I dug into my perennial beds and they have come together beautifully. I found myself thinking..."next year this will be so beautiful"...then realized I wouldn't see it. I have been blessed to have many established plants to divide and fill in the new spaces. Many of them were ready to bloom as I was making changes to prepare the house for sale. Not the optimal time to divide and transplant them, but they are all strong. I remember thinking it just wasn't the right time, would they be ok? They would get weepy and droop for a day or two. But with enough water and care, they would find their roots. God whispered..."you, my love, are just the same..this move isn't in the optimal time, and you may weep, you may tire and wilt at times,you may need extra doses of my living water, but you are strong..and I am here. You are going somewhere your roots can go deeper."(*Tears*...I love you, Lord..)
One day a massive storm blew thru..Heavy winds, darkness, damaging hail..all I could think of was my new tender plants. Would they be destroyed by this awful storm? The kids looked out the window with me. Zoe asked, "will the wind hurt them, mom?" She was remembering my recent loss of a delphinium that was tall, leggy and ready to bloom. Another wind storm had snapped it in half and broke it. I was so disappointed, but within a short time realized it was getting ready to bloom again. The roots were healthy. "No, honey, the wind actually makes them stronger. They have to stand against it..and it makes them stronger." And God whispered.."you, my love, have faced many storms, have been broken just before bloom, but your roots are strong..and you will blossom see more storms, but will be stronger...(*more tears*..)
I love walking in my garden with Him. I'm drawn to go out there and daily touch the earth, shake hands with my plants, be blessed by the beauty and closeness to him...imagining what it must have been like for her garden, hearing his whispers.

1 comment:

Dr. Lisa Van Allen... said...

This is beautiful, Lisa! Thank you for the reminder of His loving voice in my ear!